Abhishek Samlodia

Physics Ph.D. Candidate


I am pursuing Ph.D. in theoretical and computational physics at Syracuse University, New York, U.S.A. My research interests include Lattice Gauge Theories, Tensor Networks, Quantum Computation, High Perfromance Computing, Scientific Computing, Machine Learning, Open Source Software Development.


Currently, I am working on four main topics:

  1. Tensor Network Formulation of Discrete Spin Models and Lattice Gauge Theories.
  2. Discrete Quantum Gravity and Backreaction of Matter Fields using Dynamical Triangulations.
  3. Hadron Spectroscopy in Lattice QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics) and its applications in Astrophysics.
  4. Quantum Simulations of Discrete Spin Models and Lattice Gauge Theories.


Besides being involved in the research activities, I also work as Teaching Assistant and Summer Instructor. The list of courses I have taught,

  1. Summer 2024 : Physics Graduate Qualifier Exam Preparation Course
  2. Spring 2024 : PHY221 - Undergraduate Mechanics Lab
  3. Summer 2023 : PHY221 - Undergraduate Mechanics Lab
  4. Spring 2023 : PHY221 - Undergraduate Mechanics Lab
  5. Fall 2022 : PHY221 - Undergraduate Mechanics Lab